
Bosbee Quilting

Bosbee Quilting
BosBee Quilting

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hope you had a great Easter!

Well, I can't believe that March is just about done!  And Easter is over!  Where does time go?  We had a house full of people on Easter and a really wonderful time.  My husband had back surgery on the Wednesday before Easter, but he was doing wonderful and was able to enjoy the day too.

I finally made some Easter projects this year.  I have made many things for other holidays but never had made anything for Easter.  Here is what I came up with.

I sure hope you had a good holiday.  Take care and remember...

Keep on Quiltin'!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love your Easter eggs. The place mat is pretty too. Glad you had a nice Easter.
